Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pantry - After

Alright, so this is my first attemp at a Blog! It's a work in progress but I'll get better. You get to see the after pics before you see the before pics, but you get the picture! I would much rather be spending my time organizing than computering!


alicia king said...

looks great Jenny!

Logan and Tanya said...

Jenny, what a great thing you have going! I'm excited to keep checking back!

tlee 123 said...

Hey Jen-I just wanted to drop a line and thank you for helping me "declutter" not only my house but my life! When we began the first day of organizing "my space" I was a bit hesitant to let someone into my world of hidden chaos-within the first 5 minutes I could tell that this was going to be a huge turning point for me. Since we finished, my mind has been organized as well, I have been accomplishing those things that have been on my To Do List forever. We have worked for 4 sessions and I feel like I have moved into a brand new house! I was out shopping yesterday and as I walked up and down the aisles I felt a sense of peace and empowerment because I knew exactly what I had at home and where it went. My usual shopping day consists of anxiety and over-buying due to the fact that I could never remember what I had or where I put it so I would end up buying STUFF that I don't need or I already have. Now that I feel in control of my life and the things that are in it, I am able to focus on the PEOPLE in my life! Thank you for giving me a new perspective, and for being SO kind and nonjudgemental. My house is so functional now, you organized it with my needs in mind and gave me the confidence that I needed so that I will NEVER go back to my old mentality of just "getting it out of my sight" and shoving it in a closet somewhere. This has been the best time and money that I have ever invested, hands down! Forever indebted, M